July 23, 2019
Words by William Wanzer
As a Virginia native, I grew up isolated from a lot of the LGBTQ community outside of the small circles that existed. Being a youth in the community only led to a few options, being isolated and seen as weird or went on deaf ears and wasn’t acknowledged.
I was always bullied as a kid even into my teen years because I wasn’t like the other boys. I had church members in-charge of the youth ostracize the youth for being gay and it because easier to hide. Yet simply from my voice and mannerisms, it was clear I was Gay and impossible to hide. I didn’t have or know of anyone/organizations to turn to that could help someone like me out with figuring myself out.
I grew strong during those times. I became the unapologetic individual that I am today because of it all. Yet, I hide who I really was for years. It wasn’t until I went to college that I because who I truly was.
Organizations like Safe Space NOVA are spaces I wish I had in my youth. While I kept myself out of deep depression, many suffer from the lack of support in their communities. They lack a safe space to be themselves. Safe Space NOVA is the haven that I wish I had as a child.