August 20, 2019

PRIDE 2019 – Looking towards the Future… LGBTQ+ youth live in a world plagued with bullying, harassment and violence and many fears and suffer anxiety about what the future may look like for them.

I’m now 53 years old and I can tell you that I had these exact same fears 25/30 years ago. So, let me start this article off with an announcement: “I see myself in the future – and I like what I see.” It’s important to acknowledge these fears and be on the lookout for those at risk. Every single one of us can play a role in instilling hope in the hearts and minds of the young people in our lives, particularly during these uncertain and unsettling times.

I was born into a wonderful family steeped in the African American traditions of faith and religion. There was no such thing as a SAFE SPACE for a confused, young preacher to express himself and no one dared talk about being gay. Fortunately, destiny and time kissed each other, and I found a mentor who helped me navigate through the uncertainties of life as a scared, confused, saved black gay man. He has since found his resting place, but his legacy of kindness lives on through my work with other LGBTQ+ youth around the nation.

If you’re reading this article take hope – here are some statistics:

1. 50 years ago (I was 3) – The Stonewall riots (also referred to as the Stonewall uprising or the Stonewall rebellion) were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay (LGBT) community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village.

2. The first DC Black Pride Event was 28 years ago – (I was 25).

3. 1992 – Same-Sex Employees Begin to Receive Domestic Partner Benefits (I was 27).

4. Feb. 23, 2011 – US President Barack Obama Declares Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional, Directs Department of Justice to Stop Defending the Law in Court. (I was 45).

5. May 9, 2012 – President Obama Endorses Same-Sex Marriage (I was 46).

So, no matter what’s happening in your life right now, keep hope alive. #livingmybestlife247.