Words by Jaxson

“In my childhood, I didn’t know what was going to happen. One of the things that really stood out to me is that I grew up in a generation that used slurs to damage the LGBTQ+ family. They used them on a daily basis. For example: the common “That’s gay.” You’ve probably heard it. We said it so much that we were desensitized on why it was even wrong to say in the first place. It was a common thing to say in grade school to someone to damage their character. When I was in Gr.4 I became very aware of the language being used and what it meant. I felt that it became very common to use bigotry towards the LGBTQ+ community. During this time, I was catching on to who my true self was. I can’t even lie, I joined in. Fear fed the bear and I tried to fit in. I then started becoming part of the problem. Scared of who I was, blending in became a priority. I was playing societies game like a low budget movie – confusion was written all over my face. The description “Tomboy” didn’t seem to fit as the answer in my head. I would constantly be asking myself what was wrong with me. I was literally questioning my life for the first time at age nine. I hated myself and I had no idea why. I wasn’t me. Luckily, I had a good support system behind me. I wouldn’t be here without that. My friends and family pushed me with strength to grow into my potential. Acceptance and love is the root beneath us all. They kept watering me and I retained the strength and got stronger. Even when I didn’t know the answer, they carried me out of the rain when they could. I never thought I would be the man I am today. Almost 4 years on testosterone and my life has done a complete 360. I encourage everyone to fight for who they are because honestly, life is a blessing when you work with it. I want to thank everyone the that has crossed the paths in my life and has contributed to me growing into the person I am today. I never thought I would be here, and I am happier than ever. If you are reading this, I encourage you to love and support your LGBTQ+ friends and family. Educate yourself if you don’t understand as there are more and more resources everyday. If you are reading this, you already found yourself in a spot to educate yourself at Safe Space NOVA. You can also reach me at my Instagram account @becomingtransparent_ if you ever have any questions regarding supporting the community.”