September 22, 2020

Words by Jason Watler

Most youth want to be seen and acknowledged for who they truly are. I came out during my senior year in high school at 17. It was a bold step into coming into my truth and inviting folks in. After I’ve graduated from high school I considered myself a loner. I had friends that loved and accepted me but I didn’t have much Queer or Trans friend to identify with. Like most Queer and Trans identifying Millennials and Zennials, I’ve found kin-ship online and through the apps. It wasn’t until one day I was scouted off the apps to visit an empowerment group for Black Gay Men called the Gay Men’s Health Collaborative (GMHC). It was from within that space that I was equipped with skills to empower and support myself by serving my community.

I feel that it is very important to target Queer and Transgender Youth from 14-18 years old. Middle school to high school years are very formative in Queer and Trans youths lives. Especially for Black and POC Queer and Trans youth. They are starting to question society, ideals that they were raised with, and figuring out their place in this world. I feel as though if we can come together to mentor, foster, and sow seeds of affirmation, empowerment, and uplifting their voices and existence in this world then we would have a fearless group of young adults (they’re already fearless ☺). We must see the youth for who they are and let them know that we acknowledge them.

 You can follow me at my social media – IG: Jei_Sun